The Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror television series based on the comic book series of the same name by Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore, and Charlie Adlard—together forming the core of The Walking Dead television universe. The series features a large ensemble cast as survivors of a zombie apocalypse trying to stay alive under near-constant threat of attacks from zombies known as "walkers" (among other nicknames). With the collapse of modern civilization, these survivors must confront other human survivors who have formed groups and communities with their own sets of laws and morals, sometimes leading to open, hostile conflict between them.
AMC has also expanded the series into related media, including the spin-off series Fear the Walking Dead (2015-Present), and The Walking Dead: World Beyond (2020-21), as well as several webisodes and video games. Four further spin-offs have been announced: two untitled series: one featuring Daryl and the other featuring Rick and Michonne, The Walking Dead: Dead City featuring Maggie and Negan, and an anthology series, Tales of the Walking Dead, to feature individual character backstories.
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